Abelon * Bakgrunn - Nettverket (gjennomsiktig)

Abelon Group (formerly QTG AS) originates from Frøysland Industriservice AS (FIAS). Over the last 30 years, we have provided competent personnel, technology and equipment to the global energy and petroleum industry.

Abelon also develops its own drilling, well and preservation technology and equipment to meet the demand from customers in oil and gas, shipping, aquaculture and renewable energy.

Abelon offers a complete concept in staffing, technology development and innovation. Through the specialized subsidiaries Abelon Management and Abelon Technology, we maintain the high level required of us as a service provider to industries with strict requirements for quality, precision and price.

Abelon currently employs 110 highly competent and experienced professionals from various sectors in industry, energy and shipping. Our onshore and offshore team work purposefully to ensure the customer safe, smart and effective solutions.

It is our clear goal that all Abelon employees should be motivated by and live up to our values, and this is also reflected in our recruitment strategy.

Values, vision and mission


Our values – Quality, Respect, Ambition, Focus and Trust – give us power and signal who we are and where we are going. The values are our compass and help us navigate in an industry characterized by tough competition. It is our goal that all Abelon employees should be motivated by and live up to our values, and this is reflected in our recruitment strategy.

The power of our values is also fuelling our management system, enabling us to run our business in a prudent, efficient and sustainable way.

Values can quickly be dismissed as “fine words”, but if we put power behind words, we create value!


We create value through manpower, thought power and sustainability


We create value by delivering high-quality personnel and technology to our clients. Together we facilitate efficient, safe and sustainable operations while contributing to the community in the form of increased employment and value creation.